[EBOOK] How to Hear From God – Joyce Meyer

How to Hear From God

How to Hear From God by Joyce Meyer

God desires to communicate with you on a one-to-one relationship on a daily basis. He wants to guide you through the process of reaching the good things He has in store for you. Even hearing your own thoughts can be difficult in today’s hectic environment, let alone taking the time to pause and listen for the voice of God. However, learning to discern God’s voice and the many different methods in which He communicates is essential to following His will.

Joyce Meyer reveals the various ways in which God communicates His word, as well as the advantages of praying to God for the ability to hear His voice. In this companion study guide, she takes things a step further, guiding you through an interactive process that will help you gain a better understanding of how God is acting in your life right now.


Evang. Kalu David Obinna A Seasoned Preacher and Teacher of God's Word A Graduate of Accountancy From The University Of Agriculture Umudike, Umuahia. He Currently Serves as The General Treasurer Of Young Ministers Network Headquarters Port Harcourt... The CEO of KingdomBeat Media Inc. A video editor and an OAP A teacher by Profession and finally the last child of Mr And Mrs Harrison Kalu