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ON A WING AND A PRAYER tells the inspiring true story of Doug White and his miraculous flying of a plane when the pilot dies. Due to the day being Easter Sunday, the air traffic controllers on duty have little to no flight experience. However, God orchestrates the lives of several different people to help Doug and his wife fly the plane. When it comes time to land, high winds and a storm appear to make that impossible. Doug and his family must rely on the power of prayer and God’s faithfulness for a miracle.


ON A WING AND A PRAYER has a strong Christian, moral, wholesome worldview, with powerful scenes of prayer. Doug and his family consistently pray to God for safety and in gratitude as they think landing the plane is impossible. Despite everything going wrong, their faith helps them overcome their fear in this miraculous true story. ON A WING AND A PRAYER has some intense action, a few light obscenities and a scene where an air traffic controller gets drunk. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children.




Evang. Kalu David Obinna A Seasoned Preacher and Teacher of God's Word A Graduate of Accountancy From The University Of Agriculture Umudike, Umuahia. He Currently Serves as The General Treasurer Of Young Ministers Network Headquarters Port Harcourt... The CEO of KingdomBeat Media Inc. A video editor and an OAP A teacher by Profession and finally the last child of Mr And Mrs Harrison Kalu